Want to learn more about the Short Story Writing Challenges? You're in the right place!

You've landed here because you're interested in learning more about the Short Story Challenges.

I created the first Challenge because I know how easy it is to come up with a story idea, make excuses about why you can't write it right now, then forget about it.

I always wanted to be a writer but I kept putting it off. I always had a good "reason." Kids, job, health. But then I decided I was putting my writing first--no more excuses!

I'm now a published author and I want to help others overcome their doubts and fears, to become published authors themselves. And I want to form a community that encourages each other to make their dreams a reality.

The Challenges are generally two-weeks long, centered on a general theme, and submissions that are accepted are published in an anthology, after the Challenge ends. During the two weeks you'll receive prompts and reminders. You can also join the Challenge Facebook group to get support, offer suggestions, and get inside information.

Sign up below to register for the Challenge Interest newsletter. You'll receive emails about new Challenges and other useful info for readers and writers!

(You can opt out at any time.)

Keep writing!


Check out our previous Challenge anthologies!

For our 2022 Halloween Short Story Challenge, we had two versions. One Challenge for adult readers with a theme of Grave Mistakes and a second Challenge for children, called Cobwebs.

If you'd like to subscribe to the Short Story Challenge list, just sign up below. You'll get emails with info about the Challenges, books, giveaways and more! Your information will never be sold or shared and you can unsubscribe at any time but clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email!